I’m a designer with over 20 years delivering great experiences and elegant designs.

I started dealing with human-computer interfaces when I was a teenager, at my father’s software company, in the early ’90s. There was this time that I was programming in DOS, very frustrated.

I had just seen a user struggling to learn functions keys to access features: F1 for help, F2 for reports… From then, I decided to dedicate time to creating interfaces to attend necessities of humans, and it was gratifying. Even over my father’s objections, I decided to live designing things.

In my career, I worked in branding, packaging, graphic design, and in the last decade, I dedicated myself to UX disciplines, from strategy to visual and interface design. I am also a coding designer who thinks end-to-end the entire process. I am always excited about developing thoughtful products that enhance life, work, and play.

— You can download my resume here or visit my LinkedIn.

I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, lived for eleven years in Argentina, and had the opportunity to travel a large part of the South American continent and become passionate about his landscape and culture.

I am curious by nature, an adventurer, and a restless observer of the human being. I am also the happy husband of my lovely wife, Boram. Love you!

Selected work


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